Granthita Mudra

Granthita Mudra

In Yoga Mudra by Inder YadavLeave a Comment

Granthi (knot) + mudra (yogic hand gesture)

Sanskrit – ग्रंथिता मुद्रा

Chakras- Throat Chakra

Ayurvedic Element – Ether

What Is Granthita Mudra?

Granthita Mudra

Granthita Mudra, or the Knot Mudra, is formed by combining the two words Granthita and Mudra. Granthita is a Sanskrit term which means ‘bound together’ or ‘joined’. Mudra is a Sanskrit term that means gesture, mark or seal.

This mudra specifically works on the throat chakra, and you can incorporate it into your practice if you want to strengthen this energy center.  It also helps in redirecting and balancing the flow of energy and calmness in the body.

Additionally, it helps in bringing a sense of purity and peacefulness which will motivate you to continue your practice. This mudra emphasises on the throat chakra, which has space or ether as its element.

Granthita mudra was created specifically because it helps in the opening of the Vishuddhi or Throat Chakra.

How To Practice Granthita Mudra

  1. Begin by sitting in your preferred position. In which you are most at ease.

  2. Place the tips of your middle, ring, and pinky fingers on the upper side of your hand and interlace them.

  3. Interlock the thumbs and index finger, but this time touch the points of the thumb and index finger of the same hand together, forming two rings.

  4. Put a gentle pressure on your thumb with the index finger.

  5. Bring the mudra up to the base of your throat and hold it there.

  6. Keep your mind and body relaxed.

  7. Hold the mudra for as long as it feels comfortable.

Time Duration To Perform Granthita Mudra

  • To fully experience the benefits of Granthita Mudra, Do this gesture for 30 minutes per day. Which can be done in sets of three or all at once.
  • Practice at a peaceful location where you won’t be interrupted.
  • Perform this mudra in the morning to balancing the flow of energy and calmness in the body.

Benefits Of Granthita Mudra

Granthita Mudra
  • It Balances the throat chakra, which has multiple benefits for self-expression, true existence, and spiritual awakening.
  • Granthita Mudra helps in improving concentration, focus, and memory by activating the brain and increasing blood flow to the brain.
  • Opening the throat chakra can help with symptoms associated with the  thyroid gland, throat, neck, and shoulders.
  • Granthita mudra helps to balance the nervous system, which helps in stress and anxiety relief, in addition to improving sleep and combating insomnia.
  • It increases the flow of energy in the body, particularly when combined with pranayama. This improves your overall sense of well-being and health.
  • Itis combined with mantas, pranayama, and asana practice. And contributes to the throat chakra’s balance.
  • According to Ayurvedic philosophy, the granthita mudra practice helps awaken all the elements in the body.
  • It Helps in the proper oxygenation of the entire body.

Contraindications Of Granthita Mudra

If you have any hand or wrist injuries, avoid performing this mudra. If you experience any pain or discomfort while doing the mudra, stop immediately.

How To Use Granthita Mudra In Yoga

Granthita Mudra



This is the mantra for clearing your throat chakra, as well as your physical and spiritual voice.

The throat chakra governs your ability to communicate. The vibrations of “HAM” will open your throat chakra, allowing you to better convey your truth.

The Adi Mantra, which says “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo,” is another mantra used for the throat chakra.

For Pranayama

Simply concentrate on your breathing and the area around your throat.

Otherwise, you can attempt the Brahmari Breath, also known as “humming bee breath”. The name is derived from the “hmm” sound you will make with each exhalation. This vibration awakens not only the throat, but also the parasympathetic nervous system, assisting in the attainment of happiness and serenity.

For Meditation

Because Granthita mudra addresses the throat center, the best meditation would be a Throat Chakra meditation.

Listen to a guided Throat Chakra meditation and mantras, or picture this region opening up and overflowing with pure light. You may also watch how your breath enters and exits this area of your body.

In Yoga Asana

Granthita Mudra can be done in Easy Pose, Padmasana or Thunderbolt Pose depending on your level of comfort. It is used in yoga session to help us connect with our higher selves. It relaxes the mind, bring calm and helps in self-expression, true existence, and spiritual awakening.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Granthita Mudra?

Granthita Mudra, or the Knot Mudra, is formed by combining the two words Granthita and Mudra. Granthita is a Sanskrit term which means ‘bound together’ or ‘joined’. Mudra is a Sanskrit term that means gesture, mark or seal.

What are the benefits of Granthita Mudra?

Granthita mudra balances the throat chakra, benefiting self-expression, spiritual awakening, and true existence. It improves concentration, focus, and memory by activating the brain, and helps with thyroid, throat, neck, and shoulder symptoms. This mudra also balances the nervous system, reduces stress and anxiety, improves sleep, and increases overall well-being.

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