Balasana (Child Pose)

Balasana (Child Pose)

In yoga poses by Inder YadavLeave a Comment

Bala (Child) + Asana (Pose)

Sanskrit: बालासन

Difficulty Level- Beginner

Pose type: Stretching and Forward Fold

Also Known As: Child Pose or Shishuasana

Pronounced as: BAH-LAHS-ANNA

Introduction Of Balasana

Balasana is derived from the Sanskrit terms ‘bala’ mean ‘child’ and ‘asana’ means ‘pose’. This pose is an beginner level yoga posture in which one’s body bends Forward.

This is a simple pose that helps to stretch the body while reducing stress and exhaustion.

How To Do Balasana: Step-By-Step

  1. First sit in Thunderbolt Pose (Vajrasana)  kneel on the ground in table top position, Lower your hips to your heels and bring your forehead to the floor. Knees should be close together or slightly apart as you find it easier.
  2. Now simply extend your arms and hands in front of you and stretch them out straight. And your palms on the floor.
  3. Take 5 deep breaths.
  4. Now to release: Slowly come back to table top position and come back to Vajrasana.

Balasana Pose Benefits

  • It helps in calming and relaxing of body and mind.
  • It can help in regulate blood pressure.
  • It helps in Stretching your back muscles, thighs, and ankles.
  • It helps in providing relief from stress, anxiety, and fatigue.
  • This pose can help in creating a sense of calm, comfort, and safety.

Balasana Pose Variation:

Variation 1 : With Forward Look

Balasana (Child Pose)
  1. From Thunderbolt Pose kneel on the ground in table top position, Lower your hips to your heels and bring your forehead to the floor.
  2. Now simply extend your arms and hands in front of you and stretch them out straight. And your palms on the floor.
  3. Take your head up and look forward.
  4. Take 5 deep breaths.
  5. Now to release: Slowly take your head down and come back to table top position and come back to Vajrasana.

Variation 2 : With Hand Near Toes

Balasana (Child Pose)
  1. From Thunderbolt Pose kneel on the ground in table top position, Lower your hips to your heels and bring your forehead to the floor.
  2. Now simply extend your arms and hands in front of you and stretch them out straight. And your palms on the floor.
  3. Now slowly take your hands near to your toes.
  4. Take 5 deep breaths.
  5. Now to release: Slowly take both hands forward and come back to table top position and come back to Vajrasana.

Variation 3 : With Elbows Locked

Balasana (Child Pose)
  1. From Thunderbolt Pose kneel on the ground in table top position, Lower your hips to your heels and bring your forehead to the floor.
  2. Now simply extend your arms and hands in front of you and stretch them out straight. And your palms on the floor.
  3. Now slowly take both hands near to your toes.
  4. Raise your hand up behind your back and interlock your elbows.
  5. Take 5 deep breaths.
  6. Now to release: Slowly take both hands downward near to your toes and come back to table top position and come back to Vajrasana.

Balasana Pose Contraindications

  1. Avoid Child Pose if you have a knee injury.
  2. If you have a shoulder injury, keeping your arms by your side and don’t force yourself if you feel pain in your shoulders.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Define Balasana?

Balasana is derived from the Sanskrit terms ‘bala’ mean ‘child’ and ‘asana’ means ‘pose’. This pose is an forward fold pose.

Why is Balasana called Child Pose?

Balasana is a yoga posture in which you imitate the shape of a child. In Sanskrit, bala means child and asana means pose or posture.

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