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Dandasana (Staff Pose)

In yoga poses by Inder YadavLeave a Comment

danda (staff or stick) + asana (pose) Sanskrit: दंडासन Difficulty Level- Beginner Pose type: Seated Also Known As: Staff Pose or Stick Pose Pronounced as DAN-DA-AAS-NAA Introduction Of Dandasana Dandasana is …

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Balasana (Child Pose)

In yoga poses by Inder YadavLeave a Comment

Bala (Child) + Asana (Pose) Sanskrit: बालासन Difficulty Level- Beginner Pose type: Stretching and Forward Fold Also Known As: Child Pose or Shishuasana Pronounced as: BAH-LAHS-ANNA Introduction Of Balasana Balasana is …

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Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

In yoga poses by Inder YadavLeave a Comment

Ustra (Camel) + Asana (Pose) Sanskrit: उष्ट्रासन Difficulty Level- Intermediate Pose type: Backbend Also Known As: Ushtrasana, or Camel Pose Pronounced as: OOSH-TRAHS-ANNA Introduction Of Ustrasana Ustrasana is derived from the Sanskrit …

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Boat Pose (Navasana)

In yoga poses by Inder YadavLeave a Comment

Navasana (Boat Pose) nava (boat) + asana (pose) Sanskrit: नावासन Difficulty Level- Intermediate Pose type: Seated Also Known As: Naukasana or Paripurna Navasana Pronounced as NAH-VAHS-ANNA Introduction Of Navasana Navasana, also …

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Thunderbolt Pose (Vajrasana)

In yoga poses by Inder Yadav6 Comments

Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose) vajra (Thunderbolt) + asana (pose) Sanskrit: वज्रासन Difficulty Level- Beginner Also Known As: Diamond Pose, Adamantine Pose or Kneeling Pose Pronounced as vahj-RAH-sah-na Introduction Of Thunderbolt Pose …

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Rabbit Pose (Sasangasana)

In yoga poses by Inder YadavLeave a Comment

Rabbit Pose (Sasangasana) Difficulty Level- Beginner Also Known as: Hare Pose, Shashankasana Pose Type: Stretching, Restorative Introduction Of Rabbit Pose Rabbit pose, also referred to as Sasangasana or hare pose, is a …